Ofcom Investigates Virgin Media Over Non-compliance with Customer Protection Rules

Ofcom Investigates Virgin Media Over Non-compliance with Customer Protection Rules

Ofcom Investigates Virgin Media Over Non-compliance with Customer Protection Rules

Ofcom is currently examining Virgin Media's adherence to regulations aimed at safeguarding vulnerable customers during the digital switchover. There are concerns about the potential impact on individuals, especially those who rely on telecare systems that operate using landlines. These systems feature an emergency button that automatically contacts the emergency services via the user's landline. At present, they remain operational during power outages due to the resilience of traditional copper phone lines. However, the shift to digital lines poses a potential vulnerability to power failures or internet disruptions. Ofcom is focusing its investigation on Virgin Media's compliance in two specific areas and has emphasized the significance of identifying and supporting vulnerable individuals. The regulator intends to provide further updates on the progress of the investigation in the near future.