SLIM Lunar Probe Resumes Mission After Solar Panel Issue

SLIM Lunar Probe Resumes Mission After Solar Panel Issue

Japan's lunar probe, Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM), has re-established communication with Earth and resumed its mission after a brief hiatus. The probe's solar panels have been reactivated, providing power for its continued exploration of the lunar surface.

SLIM's resumption of operations began with the transmission of signals on January 28, approximately nine days after a solar panel failure had forced the lander to shut down. The probe has resumed its scientific investigations, including the examination of lunar rocks tagged for further study.

One of the images captured by SLIM is a close-up of a rock named "Toy Poodle." This photograph highlights the probe's ability to closely inspect geological features on the moon.

Upon its initial landing on January 20, SLIM encountered a setback with the failure of its solar panels. This issue forced the probe to operate on its limited battery power for a brief period before being turned off.

JAXA engineers and scientists worked diligently to re-establish contact with SLIM, anticipating that the probe's solar cells might be illuminated as the moon orbited Earth. Their efforts paid off, as the solar panels have now been reactivated.

SLIM is expected to have sufficient time to complete its planned mission before the moon's sunset approaches around February 1 at its location. The probe's successful reactivation marks a testament to the resilience and ingenuity of Japan's space exploration program.