Making a New Home in the "Middle of Nowhere

Making a New Home in the "Middle of Nowhere

In the central Queensland town of Clermont, known for its minimal infrastructure with only three stop signs and one main street, a Zambian couple, Webby and Esther Vanda, have found a new home away from their bustling city life. Drawn by job opportunities in Queensland's mineral industry, Webby, a mining engineer, and Esther, along with their young son, made the move from Zambia to Clermont. Similarly, another couple, Sarah Harris and Adam Vincer, relocated to Clermont from Melbourne for new career prospects in the mining industry. Despite initial culture shock, both couples have embraced the peaceful lifestyle and warm community in Clermont.

Webby and Esther Vanda, along with their son, acclimated to the similarities in weather between Zambia and Clermont, appreciating the familiar setting. While the distance from Melbourne to Clermont may be shorter than the distance from Zambia, the couples both felt that relocating to this remote town was like entering a whole new world. Despite concerns from friends, the couples were supported by their families in taking the leap to start a new life in Clermont. The lack of city amenities and the absence of traffic lights were initially notable to the newcomers, but they found solace in the simplicity and peacefulness of bush life. Both couples found opportunities to connect with the community, participate in local activities, and enjoy the natural surroundings, expressing contentment with their decision to make the move to Clermont.