Enforced Disappearances and Human Rights Abuses in Balochistan

Enforced Disappearances and Human Rights Abuses in Balochistan

In the Kohlu and Kahan areas of Balochistan, two individuals have reportedly gone missing after being apprehended by Pakistani forces. Tariq, a tailor from Kohlu, was taken into custody on Saturday. His whereabouts and condition remain unknown.

Another person, Abdullah Shah, was detained at the Fazal Check Post in Kahan. His whereabouts are also unknown. These incidents have sparked concern in the region, particularly among Tariq's family.

Tariq's family has a history of enforced disappearances. Seven years ago, his brother Dilwash vanished while traveling to Sibi. His whereabouts remain unknown.The Baloch Yakjehti Committee (BYC) has condemned the ongoing military operations in Balochistan. The committee noted that "no day passes without an operation" and accused the state of arbitrarily detaining and killing civilians.

The BYC expressed concern about the escalating human rights abuses in Balochistan. They demanded an end to the genocide, the release of those detained during the Tutak operation, and justice for the murder of Hidayat Lohar. The committee emphasized that the people of Balochistan deserve the same rights and protections as all other citizens.