Disagreement Dissolves Youth Justice Committee Amidst Political Tensions

Disagreement Dissolves Youth Justice Committee Amidst Political Tensions

In a dramatic turn of events, the Youth Justice Reform Select Committee, which was supposed to navigate reforms in the youth justice system and support for crime victims, was dissolved after disagreements between committee members. The dissolution occurred following a motion moved by Leader of the House and Minister for Energy Mick de Brenni, who criticized the LNP for allegedly politicizing the issue of youth justice, leading to a lack of bipartisan agreement.

Committee chair, Ms. Bolton, expressed disappointment over the inability to come to a consensus on recommendations for the interim report, stating that the situation had become untenable. Both sides of the chamber were at odds, with members from the Labour Party accusing the LNP of hindering the committee's work and prioritizing political agendas over the welfare of crime victims. As a result of the committee's dissolution, its work will now be overseen by other parliamentary committees, namely the Community Safety and Legal Affairs Committee and the Community Support and Services Committee.