Chief Justice of India Urges Citizens to Vote in Upcoming General Elections

Chief Justice of India Urges Citizens to Vote in Upcoming General Elections

A Message from the Chief Justice of India

In a powerful message to the citizens of India, Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud urged everyone to exercise their right to vote in the upcoming general elections. He emphasized that voting is not just a right, but also a fundamental duty in a constitutional democracy.

Justice Chandrachud reminded the nation that India is the world's largest democracy, and its citizens have the privilege of shaping their own government through their votes. He highlighted the importance of participating in the electoral process, stating that it is the responsibility of every citizen to cast their vote and contribute to the nation's future.

Drawing on his own experience as a first-time voter, the Chief Justice described the feeling of patriotism and connection to the nation that comes with casting a vote. He emphasized the significance of the principle of "one citizen, one vote, one value," which underscores the equal power each individual holds in shaping the country's destiny.

"Let's vote with pride. My vote, my voice."

The upcoming Lok Sabha elections, scheduled for April 19 to June 1, 2024, will be a crucial moment for India. The Chief Justice's message serves as a timely reminder of the importance of each individual's participation in shaping the future of the nation. By exercising their right to vote, citizens can ensure that their voices are heard and contribute to a truly representative and democratic government.