Sunny Spells and Rain Showers Across Bulgaria and the Balkans

Sunny Spells and Rain Showers Across Bulgaria and the Balkans

Morning: Rain showers will gradually cease overnight, leaving variable cloud cover on Monday. Expect sunny spells throughout the day, accompanied by moderate to strong winds from the west-northwest.

Minimum temperatures will range from 4°C to 9°C, with Sofia experiencing around 5°C. Maximum temperatures will reach between 15°C and 20°C, with Sofia reaching around 15°C.

Expect variable cloud cover with sunny intervals over the mountains. Light rain is possible in isolated areas of western Bulgaria's massifs, while light snow may fall on the peaks. Moderate to strong winds will blow from the west-southwest. The maximum temperature at 1,200m will be around 9°C, while at 2,000m it will be around 3°C.

Variable cloud cover is expected along the Black Sea coast, with rain possible in some places on the northern coastline. Moderate to strong winds will blow from the west. Maximum temperatures will range from 15°C to 19°C, with sea water temperatures ranging from 11°C to 12°C along the northern coast and 14°C along the southern coast.

Overall: Variable cloud cover is expected over the Balkans, often decreasing to sunny weather over central areas. Mostly cloudy skies with rain showers are forecast for the northern half of Romania.

Daytime temperatures will rise slightly across the region. Expect 21°C in Athens, 19°C in Istanbul, 15°C in Bucharest, and 14°C in Belgrade.