Opposition Demands Probe and Impeachment of President Muizzu Over Leaked Corruption Report

Opposition Demands Probe and Impeachment of President Muizzu Over Leaked Corruption Report

## Political Storm in the Maldives Ahead of Elections

The upcoming elections in the Maldives are being overshadowed by a political storm surrounding President Mohamed Muizzu. Opposition parties have demanded a probe and impeachment of the President following the leak of a report alleging his involvement in corruption dating back to 2018.

The leaked report, prepared by the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) of the Maldives Monetary Authority and the Maldives Police Service, highlights 10 critical red flag indicators of financial misconduct. These indicators suggest involvement with politically exposed persons, embezzlement, structured transactions, and the use of corporate entities to hide the origin of funds.

The opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) and People's National Front (PNF) have called for an investigation into the matter. Former Vice President Dr Mohamed Jameel Ahmed has also urged Muizzu's impeachment, emphasizing the need for accountability at all levels of governance.

President Muizzu has denied any wrongdoing and accused the opposition of leaking the reports out of desperation. He claims that similar allegations were made during his campaigns for mayor and President, and that nothing was found to substantiate them.

The outcome of the elections will determine whether the opposition parties can act against President Muizzu. The political atmosphere in the Maldives is tense, and the results of the elections will have a significant impact on the country's future.