A Global Crisis - Urgent Action Needed to Address Inequities and Suffering

A Global Crisis - Urgent Action Needed to Address Inequities and Suffering

A Growing Global Threat

Breast cancer has become the most common cancer worldwide, with a projected increase in deaths to a million per year by 2040, according to a new Lancet Commission report.

The report highlights the alarming rise in breast cancer cases, with an estimated 7.8 million women diagnosed in the past five years and 685,000 deaths in 2020 alone. The risk of developing breast cancer before age 75 is now 1 in 12 for women globally, and this number is expected to climb.

By 2040, cases are projected to exceed 3 million annually, with low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) disproportionately affected. This translates to a million deaths per year from breast cancer by 2040.

## Addressing the Challenges

The report emphasizes the need for urgent action to prevent these future cancers. Knowledge gaps, particularly regarding the number of women with metastatic breast cancer, hinder effective interventions.

The commission also calls attention to the hidden costs and suffering associated with breast cancer, including physical, psychological, social, and financial burdens. These costs are often underestimated, leading to inadequate support for patients and their families.

## Recommendations for Improvement

Improved communication: Better communication between patients and healthcare professionals is crucial to improve quality of life, body image, adherence to therapy, and ultimately, survival.

Patients should be encouraged to actively participate in their care decisions and exercise their voices.

New tools and metrics are needed to capture the full range of costs associated with breast cancer, including physical, psychological, social, and financial burdens.

Improved early detection programs are essential, as countries with successful breast cancer survival rates have the ability to diagnose at least 60% of invasive breast cancers at early stages.

Bold policy changes are needed to reduce exposure to modifiable risk factors such as alcohol consumption, overweight, and physical inactivity.

## Conclusion

The Lancet Commission report sheds light on the growing burden of breast cancer and calls for urgent action to address the inequities and hidden costs associated with the disease. By implementing the proposed recommendations, we can prevent unnecessary suffering and improve the lives of millions of women affected by breast cancer worldwide.