Sawako Naito, Japan's Youngest Female Mayor, to Step Down After First Term

Sawako Naito, Japan's Youngest Female Mayor, to Step Down After First Term

Sawako Naito, who made headlines when she became Japan's youngest female mayor in April 2020 at the age of 36, has revealed that she will not be running for re-election after completing her first term in Tokushima. During her tenure, Naito faced various challenges, including dealing with what she described as "unfounded rumors" and "confrontations," many of which were linked to her gender and age, not her policies or actions.

Naito shared in an interview conducted on April 16 that she had to endure hurtful and baseless accusations, with false information circulating about her personal life, including rumors about her being pregnant or involved in extramarital affairs. These unfounded claims had a significant impact on her well-being, leading her to reconsider continuing in the political arena. Despite her efforts to stay focused and communicate with other women in leadership roles, Naito expressed that the negativity surrounding her may have stemmed from a combination of factors, possibly related to her being a young woman in a position of power within Tokushima city.

Amidst the challenges faced during her mayoral term, Naito emphasized the importance of empowering women and fostering community development. She mentioned seeking support from fellow female politicians, business executives, and researchers in similar minority positions, aiming to create a network of shared experiences that could inspire future generations. Despite the division within the political landscape of Tokushima, Naito's decision not to seek re-election was influenced by her desire to distance herself from confrontational politics and focus on her own objectives rather than being entangled in negative dynamics.