Stripes Offer Protection and Enhanced Well-being for Japanese Black Cattle

Stripes Offer Protection and Enhanced Well-being for Japanese Black Cattle

Stripes Protect Japanese Black Cattle from Biting Insects

In Yamagata Prefecture, Japan, a three-year experiment has shown that white stripes created with bleach offer protection to Japanese Black cattle from blood-feeding insects. This simple yet effective technique not only reduces the stress levels of the cattle but also has the potential to enhance their reproductive power.

Benefits of Grazing Cattle

Grazing cattle offer several benefits to farmers. Their consumption of grass reduces the costs of feed and labor, and they make use of sprawling idle farmland. However, cattle outdoors are vulnerable to blood-feeding insects like gadflies and cattle flies. The pain and itchiness caused by these insects can significantly stress the animals, leading to decreased reproductive power and potential illness from bites by disease-carrying insects.

Stripes as a Solution

A previous report from Aichi Prefecture demonstrated the positive effect of stripes on black-colored cattle in keeping flies at bay. Building on this finding, a research team from the Yamagata prefectural government conducted experiments from 2021 to 2023 to confirm the effectiveness of stripes on Japanese Black cattle in their region.

Using bleach or white spray, the researchers created 3-4 cm wide stripes on the cattle's coats. The results were immediate and significant. The striped cattle exhibited a 70% reduction in tail wagging, head shaking, and hoof raising, indicating a substantial decrease in insect harassment.

Farmer Reactions and Future Implications

The outcome of the experiment and positive reactions from farmers have been published in agricultural leaflets. Farmers have expressed surprise and satisfaction with the effectiveness of the stripes, noting the reduced stress levels in their cattle.

This simple and inexpensive technique has the potential to improve the well-being and productivity of Japanese Black cattle, offering a valuable solution for farmers and contributing to the overall health of the livestock industry.