Calls for Royal Commission, Increased Support, and Accountability in Wake of Daughter's Tragic Death

Calls for Royal Commission, Increased Support, and Accountability in Wake of Daughter's Tragic Death

Mother of Murdered Woman Demands Action on Domestic Violence

Tabitha Acret, the mother of a young woman allegedly murdered by a former partner, has fiercely criticized state and federal politicians for their inaction on domestic violence.

Speaking on the ABC's Q+A program, Acret accused the judicial system of "major failures" that contributed to her daughter Mackenzie Anderson's death. Anderson was fatally stabbed in 2022 by Tyrone Thompson, her former partner, who has been charged with murder and other offenses.

Acret confronted the NSW opposition leader, Mark Speakman, for his lack of compassion and dismissive attitude when she met with him after her daughter's death. Speakman apologized for his behavior, but Acret urged him to become more informed about the realities of domestic violence.

Her plea comes amidst growing public outrage over gendered violence and the recent murders of young Australian women. Acret expressed her desire to prevent other families from experiencing the trauma she has endured.

Calls for Royal Commission and Increased Action

The discussion on Q+A highlighted the urgent need for action on domestic violence. While NSW opposition leader Mark Speakman advocated for a royal commission to investigate the issue, federal government frontbencher Murray Watt argued that the government's existing 10-year action plan should be given time to work.

However, Nationals Senate leader Bridget McKenzie criticized the government's failure to deliver promised frontline workers, emphasizing the need for immediate support for victims. Criminologist Vincent Hurley further condemned the politicians on the panel for prioritizing political discourse over concrete action in the face of a crisis that claims the lives of women every four days.

The episode of Q+A underscores the critical need for a comprehensive and effective response to domestic violence, including increased resources, improved support services, and a commitment to holding perpetrators accountable.