CM Dhami Prioritizes Chardham Yatra, Postpones Engagements

CM Dhami Prioritizes Chardham Yatra, Postpones Engagements

Uttarakhand Chief Minister Prioritizes Chardham Yatra Preparations

In light of the upcoming Chardham Yatra, Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami has postponed all his political engagements across the country to focus on ensuring smooth and safe pilgrimage for devotees. He held a high-level meeting at the Secretariat, instructing officials to be present on the ground and manage all arrangements effectively.

While the government had been preparing for the Yatra, the Chief Minister's recent national-level political responsibilities required him to travel extensively. However, with the increasing number of pilgrims and the potential for overcrowding, Dhami prioritized the Yatra and returned to Dehradun to oversee preparations directly.

During the meeting, the Chief Minister emphasized the importance of providing safe passage and दर्शन to all pilgrims visiting Devbhoomi. He warned against any negligence or disorder and instructed officials to take strict measures to ensure a smooth and systematic Yatra.

Dhami also acknowledged that he had invited people from across the country to visit Devbhoomi during his political travels. However, he stressed the need for pilgrims to strictly follow government advisories regarding registration, booking, weather updates, medical checkups, and managing pressure within the Dhams.

With the Chardham Yatra attracting a large number of devotees, the Chief Minister's focus on prioritizing preparations and ensuring the safety and well-being of pilgrims is crucial for a successful pilgrimage season.