Sony and Nature Magazine Establish Award Honoring Female Researchers in Technology

Sony and Nature Magazine Establish Award Honoring Female Researchers in Technology

Sony and Nature Magazine recently announced the establishment of the "Sony Women in Technology Award with Nature," an esteemed award that aims to acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of remarkable female researchers within the technology sector. Magdalena Skipper, the trailblazing first female editor-in-chief at Nature, emphasized the importance of fostering a more diverse and inclusive landscape in research and engineering, particularly in fields where male researchers significantly outnumber their female counterparts.

The award, launched ahead of International Women's Day, is a joint initiative between the Japanese entertainment and electronics giant Sony and the renowned British science journal Nature. The collaboration intends to highlight the vital role of women in technology, an area where women currently constitute a minority, representing only around 30% of all professional researchers and less than 20% in the technology sector. The award seeks to provide a global platform to showcase the innovative work of emerging female researchers and engineers who might otherwise remain unrecognized.

Applicants for the award, which is open until the end of May, must have obtained their undergraduate degrees less than 25 years ago in the fields of mathematics, science, or engineering. The focus is on supporting women in the early stages of their career, with at least one of the three winners to be within 15 years of receiving their undergraduate degree. Beyond the financial reward, the recipients will also have the opportunity to present their research and accomplishments on Nature's website, contributing to the visibility and recognition of their valuable contributions to the field.