Prime Minister Modi Denies Targeting Minorities, Accuses Congress of Appeasement Politics

Prime Minister Modi Denies Targeting Minorities, Accuses Congress of Appeasement Politics

Prime Minister Modi Denies Targeting Minorities in Election Speeches

In a recent interview with PTI videos, Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed concerns about his election speeches and their impact on minorities. He firmly denied ever uttering a word against minorities and emphasized that the BJP has never acted against them.

Modi acknowledged the apprehension among minorities due to his statements but clarified that his criticisms are directed solely at the Congress party's "vote bank politics." He accused the Congress of violating the secular spirit of the Constitution by attempting to appease minorities for electoral gains.

The Prime Minister reiterated his commitment to the principles enshrined in the Constitution, including the rejection of reservations based on religion. He contrasted his approach with that of the Congress, stating that he believes in "satisfaction" for all, not just appeasement of specific groups.

Modi emphasized his commitment to inclusive development and equal treatment for all citizens, regardless of their religious background. He rejected the concept of "special citizens," stating that everyone should be considered equal.