Preview of SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024 Showcases Futuristic Innovations

Preview of SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024 Showcases Futuristic Innovations

The preview event for SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024 provided attendees with a look at cutting-edge technologies and concepts that are set to redefine urban living. Among the showcased innovations were a compact tricycle, a versatile drone designed for water and sky travel, and sustainable food options like beef-free hamburgers, all hinting at a more environmentally friendly and technologically advanced future.

Governor Yuriko Koike emphasized the significance of experiencing a sustainable and high-tech Tokyo at the event, which aims to inspire audiences to envision the city's potential in the years to come. Organized by the Tokyo metropolitan government, SusHi Tech Tokyo embraces the theme of Sustainable High City Tech Tokyo, reflecting the city's commitment to technological progress and sustainability.

The creative director, Asako Tsuji, curated the Showcase Program, which will take place across various venues in Tokyo, including the Ariake Arena and the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation. Tsuji's vision for the event is to showcase Tokyo as a diverse and forward-thinking metropolis, inviting participants to engage with innovative ideas and visualize the future of urban life through interactive displays and demonstrations.