Taiwan's President-elect Lai Ching-te Addresses Japanese Lawmakers Ahead of Inauguration

Taiwan's President-elect Lai Ching-te Addresses Japanese Lawmakers Ahead of Inauguration

Taiwan's President-elect Lai Ching-te recently engaged with a group of pro-Taiwan Japanese lawmakers through a video message ahead of his upcoming inauguration. The delegation from Japan, comprising more than 30 individuals, is set to attend Lai's inauguration on May 20, marking it as the largest ever group to participate in a Taiwanese presidential inauguration. At the meeting held in Tokyo, Lai highlighted the shared destiny and partnership between Taiwan and Japan, underlining that the challenges faced by Taiwan are also concerns for Japan.

During the gathering, the head of the pro-Taiwan group in Japan, Keiji Furuya, expressed the group's commitment to enhancing collaboration not only with Taiwan but also with like-minded countries such as the United States. Furuya emphasized the importance of strengthening ties with countries that uphold similar values. The Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in Japan was also represented at the meeting, demonstrating the ongoing diplomatic relations between Taiwan and Japan.

In addition to attending the inauguration, the Japanese lawmakers' delegation plans to hold meetings with various Taiwanese officials, including Lai, outgoing President Tsai Ing-wen, and legislative Speaker Han Kuo-yu. The group's members also approved the idea of organizing a meeting involving lawmakers from Japan, Taiwan, and the United States in the near future to further strengthen cooperation among the countries. Furthermore, the group showed solidarity by donating 1 million yen to support the victims of the recent earthquake in Taiwan, reflecting their goodwill and concern for the Taiwanese people.