Hundreds Feared Dead as Rescue Efforts Intensify in Remote Village

Hundreds Feared Dead as Rescue Efforts Intensify in Remote Village

Devastating Landslide in Papua New Guinea

A massive landslide has struck the remote village of Kaokalam in Enga Province, Papua New Guinea, burying over 300 people and 1,182 houses. The disaster occurred around 3 a.m. on Friday, leaving hundreds feared dead.

The landslide, which impacted more than six villages in the Mulitaka region, has blocked highway access, making helicopters the only way to reach the affected area. Emergency teams have retrieved four bodies so far, but the death toll is expected to rise significantly.

Social media footage shows villagers desperately searching for survivors amidst the debris, with cries of anguish echoing in the background. Prime Minister James Marape has mobilized disaster officials, the Defense Force, and the Department of Works and Highways to assist with relief and recovery efforts.

The Australian government has also offered its support, with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade closely monitoring the situation and providing assistance as needed. The Australian High Commission in Port Moresby is in contact with PNG authorities to assess the extent of the damage and casualties.

This tragedy highlights the vulnerability of remote communities in Papua New Guinea to natural disasters. The government and international organizations face the daunting task of providing aid and support to the affected families and rebuilding the devastated villages.