Mitsubishi Electric Robot Breaks World Record for Fastest 3x3x3 Puzzle Cube Solver

Mitsubishi Electric Robot Breaks World Record for Fastest 3x3x3 Puzzle Cube Solver

A robot developed by five young engineers at Mitsubishi Electric Corp. has been recognized by Guinness World Records as the fastest to solve a 3x3x3 puzzle cube. The robot, which was developed in Amagasaki, Hyogo Prefecture, solved the puzzle cube in just 0.305 seconds, beating the previous record of 0.38 seconds held by an American university.

The robot's success is due in part to the engineers' application of technologies used for quickly and accurately positioning wires in motors for electric appliances. This technology allows the robot to rotate one of the cube's six faces by 90 degrees in just 0.009 seconds.

The robot also uses cameras and artificial intelligence (AI) technology to recognize the colors of individual panels on the cube. This allows the robot to quickly determine the best way to solve the puzzle.

In its first attempt to solve the puzzle cube, the robot failed. However, the engineers were able to adjust the machine and it succeeded on its second try, setting a new world record.

The engineers had one hour to set a new world record. They were successful in their attempt and are now the proud holders of the Guinness World Record for the fastest robot to solve a 3x3x3 puzzle cube.