NSW Shifts Housing Focus East, Doubling Targets for Eastern Suburbs

NSW Shifts Housing Focus East, Doubling Targets for Eastern Suburbs

NSW Government Revises Housing Targets, Shifting Focus to Eastern Suburbs

The NSW government has announced revised housing targets for 43 local government areas (LGAs) in an effort to "rebalance" housing growth from west to east. This shift aims to meet the state's commitment under the National Housing Accord to build 377,000 new homes by 2029.

Under the new plan, eastern suburbs like Woollahra, Ku-ring-gai, North Sydney, and the Northern Beaches will see their targets double or even quadruple. This is in line with the government's strategy to prioritize low-to-mid-rise developments near transport hubs, with 82% of new homes coming from infill areas.

Premier Chris Minns emphasized that the changes provide a "fair rebalance" to Sydney's housing growth. He stated that the east will account for 41% of new dwellings, the middle-ring suburbs 37%, and the west 22%. This means areas like Kuringgai, Hunters Hill, and Woollahra will see a significant increase in housing development, while areas like Blacktown, Liverpool, and Parramatta, which already have substantial housing plans, will see a smaller increase.

To incentivize councils to meet and exceed their targets, the government has allocated a $200 million grant pool for infrastructure projects like green spaces and street maintenance. Minns acknowledged that previous housing targets have placed a heavy burden on Western Sydney without providing adequate infrastructure support. He aims to rebalance future growth towards established infrastructure in the eastern suburbs.

However, the revised targets have faced criticism from some local councils. Woollahra Deputy Mayor Sarah Swan expressed concerns about the lack of consultation and the limited space available for new developments in the already densely populated area. Ku-ring-gai Mayor Sam Ngai raised concerns about the availability of construction workers to meet the ambitious targets.

Despite these concerns, the NSW government remains committed to its revised housing targets, aiming to achieve a more balanced and sustainable housing growth across Sydney.