Hosting Mini-Summit to Address Risks and Shape Future of Artificial Intelligence

Hosting Mini-Summit to Address Risks and Shape Future of Artificial Intelligence

South Korea Hosts AI Safety Mini-Summit

South Korea will host a mini-summit this week to address the risks and regulation of artificial intelligence, building on the work started at the UK's inaugural AI safety meeting in 2023.

The Seoul summit is part of a global effort to establish safeguards for rapidly advancing AI technology, which holds the potential to transform society but also raises concerns about new risks.

At the UK summit, researchers, government leaders, tech executives, and civil society groups signed the Bletchley Declaration, agreeing to collaborate on mitigating the potentially catastrophic risks of AI advancements.

The Seoul summit will feature discussions on best practices, concrete action plans, and ideas for protecting society from the potential negative impacts of AI.

The summit presents an opportunity for South Korea to take the initiative in shaping global AI governance and norms, despite challenges in reaching global agreements due to differing national interests and levels of AI development.

As AI technology continues to advance, the need for effective safety measures becomes increasingly urgent. The Seoul summit aims to address these concerns and pave the way for responsible development and deployment of AI technology.