LDP Lawmaker Manabu Horii Under Investigation for Alleged Misuse of Condolence Money

LDP Lawmaker Manabu Horii Under Investigation for Alleged Misuse of Condolence Money

Prosecutors Search LDP Lawmaker's Office Over Alleged Misuse of Funds

On July 18, 2023, the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office conducted a search of the office and residence of LDP lawmaker Manabu Horii. This action followed allegations that Horii used condolence money, likely sourced from the Abe faction's slush funds, to provide financial assistance to constituents.

Prosecutors believe that Horii's secretaries distributed sums ranging from 10,000 yen to several times that amount to constituents who had lost loved ones. This practice allegedly occurred around 2022 and involved several hundred thousand yen in total. Former secretaries of Horii confirmed to prosecutors that they distributed the money at his instruction.

The Public Offices Election Law prohibits politicians from providing financial gifts to constituents, except in specific situations like directly handing over money at a funeral.

The special investigation department of the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office intends to meet with Horii to further investigate the matter. Their goal is to gather sufficient evidence to indict the lawmaker based on confiscated materials and statements.

Horii, a former member of the Abe faction, received a total of 21.9 million yen in cash from the faction, which he failed to declare in his political fund reports. He previously claimed that the funds were used for constituent-related activities and meetings.

The investigation into the Abe faction's slush funds led to the discovery of the alleged misuse of condolence money by Horii. This prompted the prosecutors to conduct the search of his office and apartment.