Several developers have abandoned a proposed offshore wind farm in Western Australia, citing challenges and lack of support, raising concerns about the project's viability. Despite the setbacks, the federal government remains optimistic, while the state government expresses support but the opposition vows to scrap the project.
The CLP government in the Northern Territory has faced a turbulent first few months, dealing with an ICAC investigation into the police commissioner and the controversial creation of a powerful "territory coordinator" role. Despite criticism and challenges, Chief Minister Lia Finocchiaro has managed to push through her key economic reform, proving her leadership in the face of adversity.
Australia's grocery market is dominated by two giants, Woolworths and Coles, who hold an almost 80% market share and face limited competition despite accusations of price gouging. Investigations have found no evidence of price collusion but revealed concerns about the power imbalance between the giants and their suppliers, leading to calls for increased regulation.
Australia's gas consumption is falling faster than expected, leading to a revised outlook for the east coast gas market. While the immediate threat of shortages has passed, a structural deficit in gas supply is still expected to emerge from 2028 onwards, prompting calls for investment in new gas supplies.
The Victorian government's ambitious Suburban Rail Loop project faces scrutiny after a critical report by Infrastructure Australia questioned its viability, citing concerns about cost, financing, and benefits. The state government remains committed to the project, but the federal government has expressed concerns and called for further information before committing additional funding.