Uber Pet, the popular ride-hailing service for pet owners, has expanded its reach to Delhi and Mumbai, offering pet parents a convenient and comfortable way to travel with their furry companions. This expansion brings on-demand booking and exclusive discounts with pet care brand Heads Up for Tails, making pet-friendly travel even more accessible and enjoyable.
US President Donald Trump proposed a $500 billion agreement that would give the US access and control over half of Ukraine's critical resources, including minerals, oil, gas, and infrastructure. Ukrainian President Zelenskyy opposed the deal, citing concerns over Ukrainian interests being sidelined to benefit US objectives.
Democratic strategist James Carville predicts the collapse of President Trump's administration within 30 days due to declining approval ratings and internal instability, while Trump dismisses the claim and asserts his administration's success. Public opinion remains divided, with mixed poll results and uncertainty about the future.
Lenovo is expanding its AI-driven manufacturing, research and development, and enterprise solutions in India, aiming to position the country as a key hub for global AI innovation and production. This expansion includes AI server manufacturing, AI-ready personal computers, and AI-powered logistics for enhanced customer service.
The 47th session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee will be held in Paris, France, from July 6 to 16, 2024, after Bulgaria was unable to meet the necessary deadlines and technical requirements to host the event in Sofia. This marks the first time the session will be held outside of a member state since its inception in 1977.