Victorian landlords are accusing real estate agents of discouraging long-term leases, while the REIV proposes tax reforms to incentivize longer leases and alleviate pressure on rental providers. This comes amid concerns about rising land taxes and the need for greater stability in the rental market.
The Australian government's plan to slash the cost of most PBS medications to a maximum of $25 from January 2026 is expected to save Australians a combined $200 million annually. This significant reduction in medication costs aims to alleviate the financial burden on Australians struggling with the rising cost of living and improve healthcare affordability.
Syncline Energy proposes a 250km underground transmission line from Charlton to Melbourne, potentially delaying controversial projects like WRL and VNI West. The proposal faces challenges but has garnered support from landowners and experts who see it as a feasible and socially responsible alternative.
Australians are increasingly turning to solar batteries as declining feed-in tariffs and rising energy costs make them a more attractive option. Government incentives and subsidies are further encouraging adoption, making solar batteries a key player in Australia's transition to a more sustainable energy future.
The ACCC recommends supermarkets notify consumers when products shrink while prices remain the same or increase, aiming to combat shrinkflation and improve transparency for shoppers. This recommendation comes amidst plans to introduce penalties for supermarkets that breach the Unit Pricing Code and ongoing efforts to enhance price comparability.