Apple's iPhone app shows it is working on crypto wallet

Apple's iPhone app shows it is working on crypto wallet

A beta version of its iPhone app showed the company's work on such features, the report said. https: 39 LepB 5 There was also a hidden image showing a waitlist page for users signing up for a crypto wallet feature, the report added.

The company's retail shareholders have long waited for a crypto wallet. A day before the brokerage announced its first quarterly results last month, the brokerage asks https:, next to the question: com technology robinhoods-shareholders - do-we - get-hoodies - '? - 2021 - 08 - 17 on Say, a platform that lets companies get multiple questions crowdsourced from retail investors, was whether the brokerage had such a wallet.

Earlier this month, the company said https: com tech robinhood roll-out crypto recurring investments - blog - 2021 - 09 - 08 it would roll out crypto recurring investments, allowing users to buy digital coins commission-free and with as little as $1 on a schedule of their choice.