Marc Short slams Biden administration for turning to Venezuela, Iran for oil

Marc Short slams Biden administration for turning to Venezuela, Iran for oil

Marc Short, speaking on Mornings with Maria, slammed the Biden administration for turning to regimes like Venezuela and Iran for oil instead of domestic production, saying that it is a cause for economic and national security concerns.

MARCH SHORT: What Alessandra explains in this commercial is that her family fled the Chavez regime, which preceded the Maduro regime, socialist regimes in Venezuela that persecute individuals there. She fled to America and has made a life for her family here. She said there is an economic problem that we can fix, and she's saying that's something she's saying. There's a national security component to this, Maria. It is not just a matter of trying to get oil from Venezuela and dictators there. This administration is trying to get oil from the mullahs in Iran. They're so desperate to strike an Iran nuclear deal to put that oil back on the market. It's why the Saudi Arabians are begging for more oil on the market. Saudi Arabia won't return their calls. There is a national security component to this as well.