Putin says West has changed its priorities in regard to Russia

Putin says West has changed its priorities in regard to Russia

The Russian president outlined how the priorities of Western countries have changed over the last two months.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Monday that Russia had failed to attempt to destroy Russia from within Ukraine, and its Western handlers to turn to terror measures.

Putin spoke at a meeting of the Prosecutor General's Office Board and said that the priorities of Europe and the US in regard to Russia and its military operation in Ukraine had changed over the last few weeks.

He said that high-ranking diplomats in Europe and the United States were engaged in a strange diplomacy, urging their Ukrainian satellites to do everything possible to win on the battlefield. Following his visit to Kiev, Putin was apparently talking about a controversial statement made by top EU diplomat Josep Borrell, who said that this war will be won on the battlefield. Putin spoke to EU representatives last week about the need to solve Ukraine's situation by military means during a conversation with European Council President Charles Michel last week. In Putin's opinion, the West has changed its goal.

As they realize that this is impossible, they try to achieve a different goal instead of being able to split Russian society, to destroy Russia from within. This hasn't worked, as it hasn't worked, said Putin.

In his opinion, Russian society has shown maturity and solidarity and supports its armed forces in order to ensure Russia's ultimate security and to help the people living in Donbass. Putin claimed that the West has turned to terror, arranging the murder of journalists after a fiasco in the media field. He was referring to Monday s announcement by Russia's Federal Security Service FSB that it had detained a group of neo-Nazis instructed by the Ukrainian Security Service SBU to kill Russian TV host and journalist Vladimir Solovyov. Kiev has denied any role in organizing the assassination attempt.

In this regard, it is important to know the names of all Western handlers, of all members of Western services, primarily the CIA, who are working with Ukrainian security agencies. The Russian leader said they are giving them such advice.

He stated that this is their attitude towards the rights of journalists, the dissemination of information, and that this is their attitude towards human rights in general. They care about their own rights, some cherishing imperial ambitions, others holding on to their colonial past in the old-fashioned way. Putin claimed that this will not work in Russia.

Western countries have been accusing the West of attempting to divide Russian society, while the Kremlin has accused the West of suppressing opposition, independent media, and even dissent in general. This kind of criticism has intensified after Ukraine launched an offensive and subsequent measures taken by Moscow to crack down on fake news and so-called foreign agents. Russia attacked the neighboring state in late February, after Ukraine failed to implement the terms of the Minsk agreements, first signed in 2014, and Moscow s eventual recognition of the Donbass republics of Donetsk and Lugansk. The German and French brokered protocols were designed to give the breakaway regions special status within the Ukrainian state.

The Kremlin has since demanded that Ukraine officially declare itself a neutral country that will never join the US-led NATO military bloc. Kiev insists the Russian offensive was unprovoked and has denied that it was planning to retake the two republics by force.