U.S. approves expansion of flights to Cuba

U.S. approves expansion of flights to Cuba

The U.S. Transportation Department has approved the expansion of U.S. flights to Havana, Cuba.

The department lifted a series of measures that restrict flights to Cuba, including one that prohibits U.S. airline flights to smaller Cuban airports outside Havana.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the action was taken in support of the Cuban people and in the foreign policy interests of the U.S. The previous administration, under President Donald Trump, has stopped passenger airline flights to smaller Cuban airports.

After more than two years, American Airlines said these flights to Cuba will improve service and access between the U.S. and these non-Havana points. The Trump administration has imposed a cap on charter flights to Cuba at 3,600 per year, and suspended private charter flights to all Cuban airports except Havana.