China, Russia defend Kim Jong Un's missile launches at UNSC

China, Russia defend Kim Jong Un's missile launches at UNSC

China and Russia defended Kim Jong Un's missile launches at the United Nations Security Council meeting on Monday.

What Happened: At the UNSC meeting, Washington argued who was responsible for North Korea's Thursday Hwasong 17 intercontinental ballistic missile launch that the council banned in 2006, according to remarks issued by the U.S. ambassador.

Washington has criticized Kim's isolated nation for dozens of ballistic missile launches and the development of a nuclear weapons program.

Amid Kim Jong's Call For War Readiness, Over 1.4 M North Koreans Offer To Join Army To Fight US Imperialists Meanwhile, North Korean allies Moscow and Beijing blamed the U.S. and South Korea for their joint military drills provoking Pyongyang. Russia Deputy Ambassador Anna Evstigneeva described the U.S. and Seoul's military activity as unprecedented, while Beijing questioned if they were even defensive drills, as it blamed them for heightening tensions.

These exercises are routine and long-standing. The United States harbors no hostile intent toward the DPRK, according to Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the U.S. The U.S. accuses China and Russia of emboldening Pyongyang by shielding it from more sanctions. Greenfield said that lifting sanctions would reward North Korea for failing to comply with Security Council resolutions. A senior U.N. official said at the meeting that the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres remains deeply concerned about the divisions that have prevented the international community from acting on this matter. Russia and China raised concerns about the AUKUS security pact, which is aimed at deterring China in the Pacific.

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