Nostra gaming platform now home to nearly 1.5% of India's mobile gaming population

Nostra gaming platform now home to nearly 1.5% of India's mobile gaming population

The Nostra Gaming Trends Report 2023 released on Thursday revealed that Nostraa free-to-play F 2 P gaming platforms by InMobi group now home to nearly 1 5 of India's mobile gaming population. Nostra's monthly active user base in India rose to 82 million, or one-fifth of the approx. 430 million mobile gamers in India. The platform experienced a 30 percent increase in its user base from January to June 2023. Nostra saw 1.5 times growth in the number of games played per session, with an average user gaming on the platform for at least 20 minutes every day. The expansion of Nostras during this period was largely driven by live streams of gaming tournaments E-sports and game streaming. The platform experienced a 3 times increase in the time users spend on game streaming and a 3 times increase in the daily active user base for live gaming tournaments E-sports streaming. Nostra is building the largest worldwide F 2 P gaming platform, fortified by its AI-powered discovery feature and the innovative distribution model via the Glance smart lock screen and other smart surfaces, according to InMobi Group co-founder Piyush Shah, CEO of InMobi Group. The intuitive discovery of the full spectrum of rich gaming experiences, allowing users to effortlessly explore and engage with engaging games on the Lock Screen without the need to unlock, has resulted in a gratifying reception from millions of users across Asia. With its extensive library of more than 500 games, Nostra draws players from various age groups. Nostra's audience is varied in terms of age 49% in the age group of 18 and 24, 24% in the age group of 25 and 34, and 26% are 35 or older demonstrating the platform's inroads to all demographics. Nostra is aiming to launch a collection of 600 new games across 15 categories, including instant and Android games. Nostra is collaborating with game developers and studios globally to make this possible. The platform plans to increase its offline games collection from 12 to 50. Although not as exciting as online games, Offline games are a great way to expand our reach in underserved areas and they go a long way in customer retention in areas that have spotty internet connections, said Gangatharaprabhu G, vice president of product marketing. Nostra will be offering new formats, and several differentiated offerings to drive organic game discovery and engagement at scale, and help game developers and studios achieve around 10 x reach within a year. Nostra is also primarily present in Indonesia, a gaming-heavy nation. In the future, Nostra aims to expand its presence to other global markets, such as Latin America, Japan, and the United States. By the end of 2024, India accounts for 120 million users, the equivalent of 200 million users globally.