Moscow prosecutor files indictment against 11 individuals, 4 entities

Moscow prosecutor files indictment against 11 individuals, 4 entities

In the case of high corruption and organized crime, the Prosecutor's Office filed an indictment that refers to criminal actions of organized crime, abuse of position or authority, resolution of a harmful contract and money laundering, which were committed between 2005 and 2016 for which 11 individuals and 4 legal entities are charged. The court confirmed the indictment on Friday.

The indictment states that the first defendant, Uzunovi Nedim, is the real owner of off-shore businesses and director of the Bosnalijek d.d. firm. In Moscow, with the intent of obscuring the real source, nature and origin of the money and illegally injecting it into his legal financial flows, he bought large sums of money into accounts at his disposal and the accounts of individuals close to him, which were then used for various purposes, such as the purchase of real estate, shares, vehicles and other valuables.

According to the collected evidence, the defendants damaged the company Bosnalijek D.D., which was owned by the defendant in the 1980s and 1990s. Sarajevo received illegal property benefits in the amount of 10,849,609.43 BAM and obtained illegal property benefits in the amount of 9,984,508.01 BAM, which money they then disposed of and used in business operations, buying immovable and immovable property in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Croatia, placing money they knew to be the proceeds of crime into legal financial flows.

The prosecutor's Office and partner institutions and agencies that participated in the investigation in BiH and abroad, especially the State Agency for Investigations and Protection, document hundreds of foreign and domestic financial transactions in large amounts and over certain funds and assets during the procedure, and within the framework of the indictment, the confiscation of multi million-dollar illegal property benefits, in individually determined amounts, will be requested.

The prosecution will prove the allegation of the indictment by naming 24 witnesses, an expert witness, and by attaching hundreds of evidentiary materials, including international legal aid documents obtained from the governmental institutions of Latvia, Cyprus, Croatia, Slovenia, and other countries.

The indictment has been forwarded to the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina for certification, the prosecutor's office said.