Sarajevo to co-fininance scientific research projects from 2023

Sarajevo to co-fininance scientific research projects from 2023

Today, the Minister of Science, Higher Education and Youth from the canton of Sarajevo arranged the signing of a contract for the co-financing of scientific research projects and programs from the budget of the canton of Sarajevo for the year 2023.

The contracts were signed by the line minister Pavle Krsti and representatives of the projects and programs for which funds were approved from the budget, based on the public invitation that was announced.

In the budget of this year, the CS Government announced a record amount of funds for scientific research activities, in the amount of 4,250,000 BAM, and in line with the principles of the CS Government, the aim is to continuously increase budget funds for science, technological development and innovation.

Uk said: 'It gets the most out of your scientific research projects'.

Krsti emphasized that the funds earmarked by the budget will be distributed for a total of 452 projects.

He stressed the co-financing of scientific research projects for young scientists and the technical preparation and defense of a doctoral dissertation at the University of Sarajevo.

Projects and programs that are of particular interest to CS will be co-financed, as well as the introduction of programs/modules/cyclical and non-cyclical programs in foreign languages/digital portals, innovative materials that promote BiH's achievements in science and art.

Co-financing includes costs of publishing scientific articles, the capacity-building program for applying to EU research funds, publishing books/monographs, participating in conferences, publishing and indexing journals, organizing conferences.

He said that it's important for us to keep the economy in check, and that it is easy to do so in the long term, he said.

It's a fairly simplified process, and on the other hand, it's well designed and provides enough resources, he said.

It's very difficult to have funds. What CS provides is very useful, and I hope that this kind of support will continue in the future. Our project includes several packages, in which four others, apart from me, are involved a colleague from the faculty. We also want to attract students to master's and undergraduate studies in this way. We ensure that they also acquire certain skills and knowledge, he said.