average worker spends more than a third of wages on payday

 average worker spends more than a third of wages on payday

The average worker spends more than a third of their wages on payday, a study has found. A survey of 2,000 employed adults found that they're quick to splash out on treats like clothes, technology, and home furnishings, as more than £600 leaves their banks within three days.

After bills such as the mortgage and utilities have gone out, the bulk of the money is gone within two weeks. The last few days of polling are required to be frugal until their next wage slip comes through. The south-east spent the most in the first three days of each month, with an average of £722 leaving their accounts. The south-west spends the least, with an average of £544 each. The study was carried out by PLAION to mark the launch of its new heist video game, Payday 3. As Londoners struggle with financial management, the developer set up a challenge inspired by the game, with winners taking part in their own heist and securing a'month's salary' by stripping notes from a branded van.

We can certainly understand the temptation of wanting to rob a bank to get that much-needed injection of cash, he said. ''T get you far behind bars - we suggest that the heisting fantasy in video games is best left experienced. The study also found that those aged 18 to 24 spend the most on takeaways each month, compared to those aged 65 and over -£42 vs £13. And 37 percent of the adults admitted to overspending at the beginning of the month, meaning they must keep their purse strings tight for the remaining days. Of those who have borrowed money - including loans - a quarter have one extra income-drain every month, while 12 percent are paying back on two loans.

The average adult expects 21.5 percent of their monthly salary to be disposable income. 41 percent, however, have a tendency to buy things that are not really necessary to their life, with an average of nearly £60 a month spent on these items. For 21 percent, a TV package like sky or Virgin is seen as an expense they could probably live without, while the same percentage could do without takeaways - and one in four think they spend more than they really need to on clothing. In the study conducted by OnePoll, 15 percent of adults feel confident about their finances - with 11 percent more likely to feel stress. Due to these problems stretching their money, 37 percent admitted that if they could rob a bank and be guaranteed to get away with it, they'd do it. And their perfect heist dream team would include Dwayne Johnson as the muscle, Lewis Hamilton as the getaway driver - and Derren Brown to hypnotise bank guards into letting them get away with the cash.