Taxi-hailing platform Bolt has introduced a new cancellation option in its app called 'Driver Asked to Pay Off-the-App' to discourage riders from taking trips offline and paying outside the app.
This feature aims to reduce offline trips and provides riders with immediate action if they encounter situations where drivers ask for payment outside the app, charge more than the set fare, or request to cancel the trip to go offline.
Bolt encourages drivers and passengers to use the safety features in the app's Safety Toolkit, designed for active (in-app) driving, to ensure the effectiveness of these features and prioritize user safety.
The company disclosed that it compensates drivers for discounts offered to riders, bearing the cost rather than passing it on to the drivers. Additionally, Bolt has implemented measures to address drivers consistently reported for soliciting offline rides, including temporary bans and account suspensions.
Bolt also conducts awareness and training programs for drivers and riders to emphasize the importance of respectful and responsible behavior on the platform. The company is committed to providing a secure and reliable ride-hailing experience for all users, and this new cancellation option reinforces that commitment, offering riders a powerful tool to prioritize their safety and well-being.