Empowering the Journey: Fitness and Hope for Kidney Transplants

Empowering the Journey: Fitness and Hope for Kidney Transplants

In the backyard of an Alice Springs dialysis clinic, a group of Aboriginal women gather for an unconventional fitness session. To the rhythm of a Celine Dion remix, they empower themselves through weightlifting, punching bags, and yoga, driven by their physiotherapist, Nicki Scholes-Robertson.

Scholes-Robertson, herself a kidney transplant recipient, understands the profound significance of these sessions. As she encourages and jokes with the women, she fosters a sense of hope for the possibility of a transplant. Her own journey, marked by an unexpected kidney condition and months of dialysis, culminates in the life-altering gift she received from her brother.

Central Australia grapples with alarming rates of chronic kidney disease, with dialysis becoming a necessity for a significant portion of the population. The road to a transplant can be arduous and fraught with challenges, testing the resilience of those seeking it. Scholes-Robertson, through Purple House, a health service dedicated to expanding dialysis access, aims to bolster their journey towards a life-saving transplant.

Selina Bob, an Indigenous woman from the remote community of Utju, epitomizes the determination required for a transplant. She diligently attends fitness classes with her family members, striving to meet the rigorous criteria set by doctors. As they conscientiously avoid smoking, maintain their health, and adhere to their medications, the women recognize the importance of prioritizing their well-being.