Car Data: Privacy Concerns and Consumer Rights

Car Data: Privacy Concerns and Consumer Rights

Today's modern vehicles offer a wide range of connectivity features, allowing drivers to stream music, navigate their surroundings, and send messages using the internet. However, this convenience comes at a potential cost: many cars also collect extensive data about their drivers and their journeys.

One major concern is the sharing of this collected data with third parties. Toyota, one of the world's largest car manufacturers, has faced accusations of gathering substantial customer data and sharing it with entities such as insurance companies and debt collection agencies. Toyota is not alone in facing such allegations, as many other car companies have also been accused of exploiting driver data for commercial gain.

The types of data collected by cars can vary widely and include information gathered through cameras, sensors, and internet-connected systems. Additionally, drivers' mobile devices and interactions with third parties can also contribute to the data pool. Despite consumers expressing interest in understanding how their data is used, Dr. Katharine Kemp of the University of New South Wales notes that car companies often employ vague and broad privacy policies that favor their own interests over consumer protection.

Queensland resident Mathew, a long-time Toyota customer, shared his concerns after learning about the data collection practices of the company's Connected Services system. The system's policy document states that Toyota may collect and share data for various purposes, including with third parties such as finance companies, insurance providers, and market research organizations. Mathew was surprised by the extent of data collection and the potential for sharing his driving behavior with his insurer.

CHOICE, a consumer advocacy group, conducted an analysis of Toyota's privacy policy and found that Connected Services collect data such as fuel levels, odometer readings, vehicle location, and personal information like phone numbers and email addresses. Toyota Australia maintains that it takes customer privacy seriously and allows drivers to opt out of Connected Services. However, doing so disables certain features, including Bluetooth and speaker functionality.