QR Code Innovation Saves Millions and Enhances Subway Safety in Tokyo

QR Code Innovation Saves Millions and Enhances Subway Safety in Tokyo

## A QR Code Solution for Subway Safety Gates

finding a cost-effective way to install safety gates on the Asakusa Line, a subway line with multiple operators. Traditional radio systems were expensive and disruptive, so Okamoto sought an alternative.

QR codes. He envisioned a system where cameras would read QR codes on train doors, triggering the opening and closing of platform gates. This approach eliminated the need for expensive radio systems and avoided service disruptions.

Okamoto partnered with Denso Wave, the company behind QR codes, to develop the system. They faced challenges, such as ensuring accurate scanning even when passengers blocked the codes. Through repeated experiments, they optimized the system for reliability.

The QR code solution proved to be a success. It cost a fraction of the traditional radio system, and its implementation was swift. The government and Denso Wave even obtained a joint patent for the technology, which has been adopted by other railway companies.

Okamoto's innovation not only saved money but also contributed to passenger safety. He expressed his satisfaction with having developed a technology that protects lives. His story highlights the power of ingenuity and collaboration in finding solutions to complex challenges.