IIT Students Face Challenging 2024 Placement Season Amidst Lower Salaries and Limited Opportunities

IIT Students Face Challenging 2024 Placement Season Amidst Lower Salaries and Limited Opportunities

## IIT Students Face Challenges in 2024 Placements

The 2024 placement season for Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) students has been met with several challenges, including limited job opportunities and lower salary packages. Students at the tail-end of the placement process are reportedly being offered annual packages as low as Rs 10 lakh, significantly lower than previous years.

This situation has been attributed to a combination of factors, including the global economic slowdown, the absence of major tech companies like FAANG from campus placements, and the increasing role of AI in automating certain job functions. Several companies have either opted out of campus hiring altogether or offered significantly lower salaries compared to previous years.

As a result of these challenges, IITs are taking proactive measures to attract more companies and secure better opportunities for their students. Placement offices are reaching out to more companies, negotiating packages with NGOs, and providing guidance to final-year students on job search strategies.

Students who have already accepted lower-paying campus jobs are also exploring alternative options. Many are actively seeking better opportunities through job portals and attending job fairs in other cities.

The situation varies across different IITs. While some students, particularly those in BTech+dual degree programs, are receiving offers with higher packages (e.g., Rs 21.9 lakh from HCL Software), others are still struggling to secure employment. 40% of registered students at IIT-Delhi remain without job offers.

Overall, the 2024 placement season for IIT students has been marked by uncertainty and challenges. While some students have managed to secure decent offers, others are facing difficulties in finding suitable employment opportunities. IITs are working to address these challenges and provide support to their students during this difficult time.