Council for Coordination of Policies for Bulgarians Abroad Established

Council for Coordination of Policies for Bulgarians Abroad Established

Council for Coordination of Policies for Bulgarians Abroad Established

The Bulgarian Parliament has established a Council for Coordination of Policies for Bulgarians Abroad. This permanent advisory body will report to the Council of Ministers and will play a crucial role in shaping and implementing policies related to Bulgarian communities and individuals residing outside the country.

Coordination: The Council will ensure that various government agencies work together effectively to develop, implement, monitor, and evaluate policies affecting Bulgarian communities abroad.

The Council will actively promote the preservation and dissemination of Bulgarian language and culture among these communities.

The Council will monitor and advocate for improved access to administrative services for Bulgarian citizens living abroad.

The Council will guide and recommend measures to facilitate the reintegration of Bulgarians returning to the country and safeguard the rights and interests of all Bulgarians residing abroad.

The Council will be led by a secretary and chaired by the Prime Minister or a designated minister. Its members will include representatives from various ministries, including Foreign Affairs, Justice, Culture, Social Policy, Internal Affairs, Education, and E-government, as well as the Director of the Executive Agency for Bulgarians Abroad.

This initiative demonstrates the Bulgarian government's commitment to supporting and empowering its citizens abroad, fostering a strong connection between the diaspora and their homeland.