Essential Preventative Care and Screenings for Young Adults in Their 20s

Essential Preventative Care and Screenings for Young Adults in Their 20s

Preventative Care and Screenings for Young Adults in Their 20s

Even though young adults in their 20s may feel invincible, preventative care and screenings are crucial for maintaining good health. Early detection and treatment of potential health issues can lead to better outcomes and prevent serious complications down the road.

COVID-19 vaccine: Recommended for everyone aged 6 months and older to reduce the risk of severe illness, hospitalization, and death.

Recommended annually for everyone aged 6 months to 80+ years old.

Crucial for preventing outbreaks.

Recommended for ages 11 to 26 to prevent cervical, anal, and other HPV-related cancers.

Hepatitis C screenings: Recommended starting at age 18.

Recommended at age 18 or when becoming sexually active.

Recommended starting at age 20.

Recommended between ages 17 and 21 and every 4 to 6 years for most healthy adults.

To check for cardiovascular disease risk.

To check for skin cancer.

To assess eye health.

Recommended twice a year for most people.

Intimate partner violence screening.

Unhealthy alcohol and drug use screening.

Tobacco use screening.

Cervical cancer screening: Starting at age 21, every 3 years for women in their 20s at average risk.

Annual checkup with an OB-GYN.

Depression and suicide risk screenings: Recommended for children and adolescents starting at age 12, and continued annually throughout life.

This guide is based on general recommendations for people at average risk. Age and frequency of screenings may vary based on individual risk factors and family history.

Consult your doctor for personalized recommendations and discuss any concerns you may have.

Remember, taking proactive steps towards your health in your 20s can have a significant impact on your well-being for years to come. Don't hesitate to schedule regular checkups and screenings with your healthcare provider.