Registered Nurse Banned for Inappropriate Relationships with Mental Health Patients

Registered Nurse Banned for Inappropriate Relationships with Mental Health Patients

Woei Tay, a registered nurse, has faced serious consequences for her actions involving inappropriate relationships with two mental health patients. The South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal found her guilty of failing to uphold professional boundaries and violating patient confidentiality. Ms. Tay's interactions with the patients crossed ethical lines and showed a lack of regard for the vulnerability of those under her care.

The tribunal's judgment revealed that Ms. Tay visited a male patient's home multiple times, even staying overnight in his bed on at least one occasion. This conduct extended to asking the patient for a substantial sum of money and disclosing personal details about her divorce and financial challenges. Furthermore, she failed to report inappropriate behavior by the same patient, which included him kissing her, demonstrating a severe breach of professional standards.

In another concerning instance, Ms. Tay engaged in an inappropriate personal relationship with a female patient, involving excessive personal communication via phone calls and text messages. These actions were deemed incompatible with her role as a healthcare provider and were considered a breach of trust with patients who were already vulnerable due to their mental health issues. Additionally, the tribunal noted that both patients suffered adverse consequences as a result of Ms. Tay's misconduct.