How to download iOS16 operating system and update FOX Business

How to download iOS16 operating system and update FOX Business

You need to download the iOS 16 Apple operating system and update your FOX Business app first.

If you haven't already done so, you can update the operating system by going to Settings, select General, then select Software Update, and iOS 16.0 will appear as an available update. To update your FOX Business app, open the App Store application, then tap Search in the bottom-right corner, and search for FOX Business. If it says OPEN, it's already updated to the most current version. Then swipe down from the top-left side of the screen to view the iPhone lock screen. Tap and hold it until the screen pops up with a button that says Customize and a plus sign appears in a blue circle at the bottom right.

Once you've added the widget, tap Done in the top right-hand corner to save the widget and wallpaper and set as Wallpaper Pair. You can read FOX Business headlines as soon as you pull up your phone.

The headlines are automatically updated.