Sarovo Film Festival to be held on Feb 10

Sarovo Film Festival to be held on Feb 10

The press service of the Sarajevo Film Festival will be held from February 10 to 16, with the film program titled Dealing with the Past Present, organized by the Sarajevo Film Festival and in cooperation with the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.

The program will be held at the Meeting Point Cinema in Sarajevo, and it will be available online for viewers throughout BiH and the countries of the region on the OnDemand platform of the Meeting Point Cinema, Ondemand.kinomeetingpoint. The program is free of charge.

Multiple award-winning films will be shown, some of which were shown at the previous editions of the Sarajevo Film Festival, in the program Dealing with the Past or Human Rights Day. The program includes the films Nelly and Nadine by Magnus Gertten, Where is Anne Frank? Aria Folman, born in Evin by Maryam Zaree, A Case of New Size by Anna Shishova, Turn to the Sun by Aliona van der Horst, Holy Spider by Ali Abbasi and The Wire by Tiha Gudac.

The announcement states that the program aims to initiate a dialogue on topics from the past and current events through moderated film screenings that shed light on these events from different perspectives through painful but also nostalgic stories, documentation and memories, and various aspects of past and current events.

This program is part of the noblest mission of the film, which is to open the way to true empathy and peace-building.

The SFF will hold discussions with the authors of the films as part of the program.