Jeremy Hunt lays out key themes for the coming year

Jeremy Hunt lays out key themes for the coming year

Jeremy Hunt has laid out his key themes for the coming year in a speech to the Conservative party conference in Manchester.

Firstly, he said he wanted to reduce the number of officials working in government by 66,000, saving a billion pounds a year.

Hunt said it is part of a wider productivity drive and civil service reform plan to reduce the size of the state and improve efficiency.

Hunt said he had no idea of what he was talking about when he was speaking at the press conference.

elemental choice' between'sound money under the Conservatives and run out of money under Labour' at the next election.

He added that Labour will borrowing £28 billion to invest in the transition to net zero, arguing it would lead to higher taxes in the long term.

The former culture secretary, Mark Hunt, said he wants to see Margot Robbie draped in a Union Jack for the Barbie remake as he talked up the strength of the country's film and TV industry.

The chancellor, who said Britain is a global leader in sectors of the future such as offshore wind, said the UK's role in Greta Gerwig's fantasy comedy, which is estimated to have grossed $1.34 billion worldwide.

Hunt, who ran the culture department for more than two years from 2010 and was based in the UK, used his spring budget to improve the tax breaks available to studios like Barbie producer Warner Bros Discovery if they produce their films in the UK.

Hunt admitted that someone who'refuses' to look for work is the same as someone trying their best.

The government will crack down on those claiming benefits who don't actively seek work, he said.

The government also announced today that it would replace the current Work Capability Assessment and the sanctions regime.

He said 100,000 people leave the workforce every year to live on benefits.

The chancellor said he was proud to live in a country that has a ladder everyone can climb, but also a safety net below which no one falls.

He added that this safety net was part of a'social contract' dependent on fairness to those in work alongside compassion to those who are not'.

The chancellor said: getting the over-50s back into work'.

The chancellor followed up with recently revised ONS growth figures showing the UK had been one of the best-performing European economies since the pandemic - previous figures had shown the UK at the bottom of the list.

He said he and Sunak aim to make Britain the next Silicon Valley and praised the tech industry as well as success with Covid vaccines.

Rain Newton-Smith, CBI's chief executive, said: s pro-enterprise credentials and commitment to research and innovation.

With limited fiscal firepower at its disposal, the government must focus on stability and predictability to tip the balance for investors. Instead of mixed messages, we have to press ahead with delivering our net zero commitments to unlock significant levels of business investment.

... more to do to get the economy back to the way it was before the election, he said. Government and business must pull in the same direction on taxes, investment and big growth opportunities to break the low growth cycle and deliver prosperity for all.