Meta Enhances Security for 2024 EU Parliament Elections

Meta Enhances Security for 2024 EU Parliament Elections

Ahead of the upcoming European Union Parliament elections in 2024, Meta Platforms is implementing enhanced security measures and transparency tools. This move signifies the company's response to concerns over misinformation and potential threats to the integrity of elections on its platforms.

Meta has established a dedicated team tasked with developing a tailored strategy to safeguard the upcoming EU Parliament elections. The company has drawn upon lessons learned from over 200 global elections held since 2016, the regulatory framework of the Digital Services Act, and its commitments under the EU Code of Practice on Disinformation.

As part of its efforts, Meta has invested heavily in safety and security, allocating over $20 billion since 2016 and expanding its global team to include approximately 40,000 individuals. Among these team members are 15,000 content reviewers who monitor content in over 70 languages.

Prior to the election, Meta intends to establish an EU-specific Elections Operations Center. This center will serve as a hub for identifying potential threats and implementing real-time mitigation strategies across Meta's platforms and technologies. Additionally, the company is collaborating with the European Fact-Checking Standards Network (EFCSN) to educate fact-checkers across Europe and enhance public awareness about identifying AI-generated and digitally altered media.