China Condemns Western Sanctions Over Russia Support

China Condemns Western Sanctions Over Russia Support

China strongly objects to the recent sanctions imposed by Britain, the European Union, and the United States on Chinese companies for alleged support of Russia's military effort in Ukraine. These sanctions target 93 entities, including three Chinese firms, one Hong Kong-based company, and three Chinese electronics companies.

The Biden administration announced the sanctions on Friday, citing the need to prevent companies from circumventing measures designed to restrict Moscow's access to military equipment. The EU followed suit on Wednesday, approving a package of sanctions that included measures against China. Britain imposed sanctions on Thursday, targeting Chinese electronics companies.

In response, the Chinese commerce ministry issued three statements on its website, vowing to "resolutely safeguard" the rights of Chinese enterprises. The ministry warned the EU and Britain that the sanctions would have negative consequences for economic and trade relations. However, it did not use this phrasing in its statement aimed at the United States.

The latest round of sanctions highlights the escalating tensions between China and Western nations over Russia's war in Ukraine. China has maintained a neutral stance on the conflict, but its support for Russia has angered Western leaders. These sanctions represent a significant escalation in the conflict's economic and political consequences.