Japan Pushes Back Against Biden's "Xenophobic" Label

Japan Pushes Back Against Biden's "Xenophobic" Label

Japan recently issued a robust response to comments made by U.S. President Joe Biden during a campaign fund-raising event in Washington, where he criticized Japan and three other countries for their immigration policies, calling them "xenophobic." The Japanese government conveyed through diplomatic channels that it viewed Biden's remarks as lacking a proper understanding of Japanese policies and emphasized the steps taken to welcome foreign workers while presenting the Japanese perspective on immigration.

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's state visit to the United States aimed to underscore the strength of the Japan-U.S. alliance, which was shortly followed by Biden's controversial statements. The backlash from Japan was prompt, with officials clarifying the efforts made by the government to integrate foreign workers and emphasizing that Biden's characterization as "xenophobic" was based on a flawed understanding of the Japanese approach to immigration. Additionally, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre sought to downplay any potential friction in the U.S.-Japan relationship, emphasizing the importance of the alliance and the shared commitment to democratic values between the two nations.