Upper House Approves Bill to Protect Economic Security Information

Upper House Approves Bill to Protect Economic Security Information

The Upper House made a significant decision by endorsing a bill focused on safeguarding vital economic security information in a plenary session on May 10. The bill is structured to control access to this sensitive data; however, there remains ambiguity concerning the specifics of the proposed system, leading to apprehensions about privacy and other related issues.

The legislation mandates that government officials, employees of companies, and other relevant individuals must submit to background checks to secure government authorization for managing information pertinent to economic security. Approved through a vote in the Upper House plenary session, the bill garnered support from the ruling coalition of the Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito, as well as various opposition parties, signaling a cross-party consensus on the matter.

This bill, which has already passed through the Lower House, is slated to come into force within a year post its promulgation. It delineates that information associated with the supply chains of crucial materials like semiconductors and other vital infrastructure, the exposure of which could have adverse implications on national security, will be classified as "important economic security information." The process of government background checks will delve into various aspects of individuals' lives, including their criminal history, drinking habits, financial obligations, the nationalities of their family members, and other relevant data to ensure clearance for handling sensitive information.