Scotland will do anything and everything we can to ensure COP 26 is a success

Scotland will do anything and everything we can to ensure COP 26 is a success

This may include adverts from us and 3 rd parties based on our understanding. As the all-important climate summit approaches, where cooperation between countries is key to addressing the climate challenges, now is not the time for division. But despite Scotland being part of the UK, the First Minister addressed the conference by speaking in terms of Scotland's ambitions, rather than the whole of the UK s. The First Minister made a point that Scotland is not an independent country, but despite that made little reference to the climate targets set in Westminster.

She said: Scotland is seeking to lead by example. My pledge today is that the Scottish Government will do anything and everything we can to ensure that COP 26 is a success. Ms Sturgeon then appeared to reference Scottish independence in response to not being able to directly impact talks next week as Scotland will be represented by Prime Minister Boris Johnson. She said: We won t be at the negotiating table directly, we are an independent state, not yet. But as a host country, we carry a serious role to play and we also carry a big and very serious responsibility. Ms Sturgeon then went on to list Scotland's targets, achievements and ambitions with no reference to the rest of the UK. For example, she pointed out that the Scottish Government is hoping to play a key role in working with youth leaders. One of Scotland s objectives is to connect those whose voices are too rarely heard with those making the decisions. Part of our role will be to support the initiatives that will allow these bridges to be built. She also mentioned that the Scottish Government has funded the conference of youth, which will be the very first event of the COP. Ms Sturgeon then hit out at Westminster again by highlighting Scotland s status as an independent country and not a devolved state and spoke of her hopes to influence other countries. READ MORE: State of emergency on Russia's doorstep as Russia's gas runs dry.

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